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2in1 Banana Shampoo and Shower Gel, 250 ml

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Bebble 2in1 Banana Shampoo and Shower Gel is guaranteed to turn bath time into an amazing bubble party. Our special formula with vitamins and herbal extracts combines two actions in one product. Gentle ingredients gently cleanse and care for the skin, while added emollients make it easier to detangle your hair after washing.


- Vitaminas B3
- Ramunėlių ekstraktas
- Pantenolis


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2in1 Banana Shampoo and Shower Gel, 250 ml
2in1 Banana Shampoo and Shower Gel, 250 ml
2in1 Banana Shampoo and Shower Gel, 250 ml
2in1 Banana Shampoo and Shower Gel, 250 ml