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OstroVit Supreme Pure Glycine, 200 g

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L-glycine is an amino acid that often plays an important role in the body. It is produced in the body and can also be obtained from food or supplements. Here are some of the potential benefits of L-glycine:

  1. Central nervous system: L-glycine is a neurotransmitter involved in the transmission of nerve signals in the central nervous system. This can affect mood, sleep and mental comfort.

  2. Muscle support: L-glycine is also an important component of muscle tissue. It may be involved in the structure and function of muscle cells.

  3. Antioxidant properties: L-glycine acts as an antioxidant that can help protect cells from free radical damage.

  4. Calming effect: Some people take L-glycine to reduce stress and improve sleep, as this amino acid can have a calming effect.

Taste: Natural
Product form: Powder
Portions per container: 200
Net weight: 200 g
Dominant ingredient: Glycine


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Į 100–150 ml vandens arba sulčių įpilkite 1 g (1 plokščią kaušelį). Naudokite pakuotėje esantį matavimo puodelį (1 ml). Labai rekomenduojama jį vartoti 30 minučių prieš valgį.

Neviršykite rekomenduojamos paros dozės. Maisto papildas negali būti naudojamas kaip įvairios mitybos pakaitalas (pakeitimas). Rekomenduojama subalansuota mityba ir sveikas gyvenimo būdas. Nevalgykite, jei esate alergiškas kuriai nors iš produkto sudedamųjų dalių. Produkto neturėtų vartoti vaikai, nėščios moterys ir maitinančios motinos. Laikyti mažiems vaikams nepasiekiamoje vietoje.


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OstroVit Supreme Pure Glycine, 200 g
OstroVit Supreme Pure Glycine, 200 g